Monday, 15 December 2014

On time, as promised

I think this photo shows the excitement of all of us! For the last couple of years, we have been waiting for this day to come! It is finally here! This is the verandah where I will do the majority of my viewing from!

The site cut was supposed to occur over two days (Fri & Mon) we came home that night to see it finished. In retrospect, this was a good thing as the rain Brisbane has had since this time has been biblical!

Here are some before and after pics of the site.
 From the road
 Coming down the driveway
 From the house
 From the orchard (back of house)

The next day brought even more rain - getting out to have a look proved to be very hard - especially if you wanted to stay dry.

It's official!
 New found 'mess pit'
 All the back along of the wall 
 The sheer size of the cutting!
 The swimming pool!


Thursday, 4 December 2014

Turning Ground

I have a heap of posts that I want to go back and enter regarding our time at Studio M and all the hassles we have had along the way. Whilst finance has been HUGE, there have been many other dramas with things like Town Planning and whether or not the half-dead 8ft wattle right in front of where the garage should be is allowed to be removed!

I had planned to do all these things in the holidays (starting next week), however - TOMMORROW is SITE DAY!

We arrived home today to find that the surveyor had been and marked out the 50% cut/fill line and had made a few other marks in the ground. Due to the size of the slope and the amount of fill to come in, the excavation will take 2 whole days (Friday & Monday).

This quick start has caught us napping in terms of getting other things ready such as HSTP and tree removal. Hopefully these can be resolved quickly and do not stop progress. It will be interesting to see where we are at come Christmas time!
The photo shows our block - the far right side is our current house and the red outline is where the new house will be roughly located. I will start to add photos from the ground once work starts.