Sunday, 17 May 2015

A Quick Update

Just a quick update as the main work done to the house over the last 2 weeks has been mostly invisible. In fact, there are days when there is someone here all day and that afternoon there looks to be nothing done at all!

Since the last entry they have had the cleaners come through, installed the water tank, laid concrete at the front of the entrance, added flyscreens, finally put the laundry bench top on, laid the insulation in the roof and done a lot of fix ups.

Until the rain today we were looking at the last of our HSTP (fancy new name for the septic tank equivalent) however, it may be too boggy for that. The deck has gone to a private certifier and the driveway plan has been discussed and 'roughly' mapped out. All of our major purchases (bed, sofa, fridge, etc) have been ordered and will hopefully be ready in about 5 weeks when handover is due.

I will get some photos up soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Joel! for all your comments and photos. Your place looks amazing!!!
