Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Deck & Practical Completion Inspection

Our deck has now started - it wasn't meant to start until after handover, however due to the fact that Metricon cannot issue a certificate of occupancy without the deck (due to the drop off), they have now changed their mind! Based on the update today, the deck should be finished by next Friday (26 June).

I booked a Practical Completion Inspection with our new Site Supervisor for the Monday afterwards (29 June). As the SS has already gone through with me an addressed most of the 'niggling' issues we had, it should hopefully be a fairly painless process and should only mean a few more days after that for handover.

Hopefully they will also allow us to get started on the driveway, otherwise after handover, we'll have to wait another two weeks before we can move in.


  1. Following your blog after only finding it in the last couple of weeks. I have just commenced a blog myself as we are also building with Metricon, here in Brisbane. Thank you for your info, I have posted a question regarding your carpet choice, only as it looks great and I want to see how far off the colour we have chosen it is.

    1. Hi Wendy, I am glad you have found the blog interesting! Reading other Metricon blogs certainly helped us avoid some disappointments with the build. Thankfully it has all gone relatively smoothly! The carpet is from the 'Gold' Range, 'Bateman's Bay' Style & 'Dakota' Colour. I have tried to 'Google' it but I have never seen it online or in any stores. It must be a Metricon Only range.

  2. Thanks Joel, Ours is also from the Gold Range and cannot be found anywhere else. It is not the same as yours - it is from the Lasting Impressions range and our colour is morning. I'm hoping it looks like yours, that is what I am after.
