Sunday, 12 April 2015

Who'd want to be a Tiler!

Late on Tuesday 31 March, Donna received a call from the tiler saying he'd be there tiling the next day and he would like to meet us on site prior to starting - can you be there by 7:30am? Lucky we live on site is all I can say. The tiler really didn't have a clue which tiles were going where, I had to go and get the tile plans from the file to explain the layout to him. (NOTE - whilst our tile choices are fairly straight forward, it was April 2013 when we made the selections and in all honesty, we just expected the tiler to have the same information as us!).

Anyway, he started Wednesday, worked Thursday, off Good Friday & Easter Saturday, worked a full day Easter Sunday, off again Monday and then worked Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Friday the painters were in, but the tiler still isn't finished yet!

Some of the areas that haven't been finished are due to cabinetry having to be replaced (laundry cupboards/benches should run the length of the wall) and running out of tiles (powder room tiles were also used as a feature in the main bathroom). He will also have to come back as there are tiles in the Ensuite that are about 1-2mm out around a corner - it's right at eye height and I have seen it, so it will have to be fixed!

Thursday afternoon saw the painters come in and tape everything up! We hadn't really taken tile updates each day as firstly it was always very late (and therefore dark) when we walked through and also because we were just waiting for them to be finished. Unfortunately now, they are all under plastic sheets and therefore cannot be seen.

Also on Friday, our caesarstone benchtops and basins/sinks were installed. Really happy with the colours and the styles we have selected - so far so good in that department! Our island bench in the kitchen is supposed to have gabled caesarstone ends, however it was installed with only one end gabled - this too will have to be fixed!

Painters were in and out on Friday doing their first coats and getting rid of the 'Disco Walls'. They will obviously be back on Monday to do the cutting in and possibly the finishing painting - certainly much faster that the tilers (lol).

BIG NEWS!! Hopefully the brickies arrive tomorrow!! They have set us back twice now, so it will be good to have the brick moved into place for Monday and for them to start to laying the bricks as well (fingers crossed)! If so, we will finally have an outside that looks as completed as the inside does!

The first two pictures below are from NearMaps - they usually update every couple of weeks (at worst), however this is the first update since November last year! Look closely and you can see all the bricks!

March 19 2015
November 23 2014
 Powder Room (Pre Paint)
 Main Bathroom (Pre Paint)
Main Bathroom (Pre Paint) 
 Undermount Sink in Kitchen
 Kitchen (Pre Paint)
 Garage (Pre Paint) - This is the best example of what the girls called 'Disco Walls'
 Garage (Post Paint) 
 Pantry (Post Paint)
 Master Bedroom (Post Paint)
 Main Bathroom (Post Paint)
 Powder Room (Post Paint)
 Home Theatre (Post Paint)
 Home Theatre (Post Paint) - the doors have been taken out to paint.
 Our double vanity in the Ensuite


  1. Looks like a great spot, and awesome that you are living onsite to see the build first hand (and supervise)...

  2. Hi, i was just wondering what brick you have used, we are building a similar style of home abd really stuggling to pick a brick. Tia

    1. Hi, the brick is from Austral and is called Leisure.
